Nagoya University
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory

Date&Time Tue Jul 07 2020 (17:00 - 18:00)
Kohtaroh Miura
Affiliation GSI Helmholts-Institute Mainz
Title Lattice QCD Precision Science for Muon g-2 and Running alpha
Abstract I present the latest lattice QCD (LQCD) estimates for the hadron vacuum polarization (HVP) contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment (muon g-2) and the electric running coupling (alpha).Both quantities are under active scrutiny with respect to the Beyond Standard Model (BSM) and will be precisely measured in the ongoing/forthcoming experiments (FNAL-E989, J-PARC-E34, MUonE, and ILC).This talk is based on two independent LQCD collaborations - BMW and Mainz/CLS, which I have been involved in.So far, the standard model (SM) estimates for the muon g-2 have relied on the data-driven dispersive approaches for HVP,and suggested more than 3-sigma deviation to the BNL-E821 experiment.In contrast, the BMW collab. has provided the LQCD estimate with 0.6% precision comparable to the data-driven methodand suggested no deviation to the BNL measurement.Assuming no-new-physics in the muon g-2, in turn, leads to a tension against LEP and Tevatron determinations of the running alpha at Z-pole.The running alpha is extensively investigated by Mainz/CLS collab. via LQCD estimates for the HVP,which is larger than the data-driven estimates and tends to give a tension at Z-pole.This talk aims at providing discussion how we explore the BSM physics with respect to the LQCD outcomes besides the data-driven method.